If you have already submitted a ticket via email, then please send a request to the correct email shown below to register you for a portal login.
Otherwise you can register for our support portals by clicking on the "Sign up" page on any portal.

Please use these links below to reach your product specific support portals:

TradeWindow Prodoc Info: Prodoc - Export documents made simple
Support Portal: https://prodochelp.tradewindow.io/support/home
or email support using prodoc@tradewindow.io

TradeWindow Origin Info: Origin - Digital Certificate of Origin service available 24/7
Support Portal: https://originhelp.tradewindow.io/support/home
or email support using originsupport@tradewindow.io

TradeWindow Cube Info: Cube - Securely collaborate with supply chain partners
Support Portal: https://cubehelp.tradewindow.io/support/home
or email support using cubesupport@tradewindow.io

TradeWindow Freight Info: Freight - Complete logistic solution
Support Portal: https://freighthelp.tradewindow.io/support/home
or email support using twfsupport@tradewindow.io